While in the designer or on the any page on our website, in the top left corner you will find the LOGIN button.
When you open it, it will ask you to login, or register as a new user. Registering will send you a password to your email.
Once you've logged in you have a few option that we will go over now!
• CHANGE PASSWORD - You can change your generated password from here.
• VIEW DESIGNS - At the bottom the designer is the SAVE/SHARE DESIGNS BUTTON. If you are logged in your designs will be saved permanently to your account. Otherwise they expire after 30 days.
• UPLOADS - While logged in, any image you upload to the designer will be saved here and ready to be used for future designs. You can manage the files from here to keep this section tidy. PLEASE NOTE these files can be added to your designs from the ADD IMAGES BUTTON at the bottom of the designer.
And that about covers it. If you need help with the login or designing, use the HELP in the designer to talk to someone on our online chat. For any other questions you can drop a comment below or send us an email. Thanks for reading!